24 Feb Health Holidays Your Content Calendar Absolutely Can’t Miss
Keep Up-to-Date with Our Ultimate List of Health and Wellness Days
As boutique gyms boom and consumers put a premium on wellness at home, the health industry is growing at a rapid rate. Set yourself apart by joining the social media conversation around health-related holidays. With such a wide variety of themes to choose from, physicians, fitness coaches, nutritionists, and more can find relevant inspiration for content that improves the health of their brand and their audience.
Bringing Medicine to Social Media
While brands like gyms and restaurants can greatly benefit from health holidays, they are also a great opportunity for medical businesses to connect with their audiences. With more than 80% of people using the internet to seek out health information, doctors and other medical professionals are increasingly using social media to engage with their patients. Even better, the online space offers a great opportunity to educate the public – just look at the doctors taking to TikTok to share information about vaccines. Of course, all brands should use social media with caution, and this is particularly true for those in the medical field. While health holidays are a great way to have some fun, professionalism and patient privacy will always take precedence.
How to Join the Race
With so many holidays to choose from, any brand will be able to find a natural fit. If you sell workout gear, try a longer campaign leading up to National Running Day in which you offer training plans that culminate on the holiday and get everyone moving. Encourage your audience to share their progress on social media (and reshare it on yours). If you’re a chiropractor, embrace International Day of Yoga with tips for positions that account for all ranges of motion.
Or, take a note from REI’s successful #OptOutside Black Friday campaign and adapt a holiday to align with your brand’s values. For National Snack Food Day, offer ideas for healthier snack alternatives. Share about how swimming can be great for mental health for World Oceans Day, or challenge your audience to make heart-healthy choices for Valentine’s Day. Just make sure your content is relevant to your brand and the theme and you’re sure to spark conversation.

January, National Blood Donor Month
January, National Glaucoma Awareness Month
January 12, National Pharmacist Day
January 13, National Gluten-Free Day
January 24, National Green Juice Day
February, American Heart Month
February, National Children’s Dental Health Month
February 3, National Women Physician Day
February 4, World Cancer Day
February 14, National Donor Day
February 27, National Protein Day
March, National Nutrition Month
March 6, National Dentist’s Day
March 30, National Doctors’ Day

April, Move More Month
April 2, World Autism Awareness Day
April 5, National Walking Day
April 7, World Health Day
April 26, International Guide Dog Day
May, Celiac Disease Awareness Month
May, Arthritis Awareness Month
May, Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month
May 14-20, National Women’s Health Week
May 27, National Sunscreen Day
May 31, World No Tobacco Day
June, National Men’s Health Month
June 7, Global Running Day
June 10, Family Health and Fitness Day
June 12-18, National Men’s Health Week
June 14, World Blood Donor Day
June 17, National Eat Your Vegetables Day
June 21, International Day of Yoga
June 23, National Hydration Day

July 3, National Stay Out of the Sun Day
July 28, World Hepatitis Day
August, National Eye Exam Month
August, National Immunization Awareness Month
August 6-12, International Assistance Dog Week
August 22, National Tooth Fairy Day
September, World Alzheimer’s Month
September 17, International Patient Safety Day
September 28, World Rabies Day
September 29, World Heart Day

October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October, Eat Better, Eat Together Month
October, Emotional Wellness Month
October, National Dental Hygiene Month
October 5, National Child Health Day
October 6, World Cerebral Palsy Day
October 10, World Mental Health Day
November, No-Shave November
November 1st, World Vegan Day
November 14, World Diabetes Day
December 1, World AIDS Day
December 3rd, National Disability Day
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