15 Apr 10 Must Read Digital Marketing Books
Digital Marketing Books to Help Grow Your Business
Wikipedia and WikiHow are great, but one of the best ways to learn about a new subject is through a good, old-fashioned book. This is even true for an ever-changing topic like digital marketing. Whether you’re a digital marketing novice who hasn’t even downloaded TikTok yet or a savvy veteran looking to hone up their skills, you’ll find something of note in this list. Dust off those reading glasses—or blue light glasses for your e-reader—we’ve got some of our favorite digital marketing books to share.
Building a StoryBrand
Before digging into the nitty gritty of social media marketing, email marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Ads and more, it’s important to understand the basic building blocks of a marketing campaign. Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by marketing expert Donald Miller is a #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller that explains how to talk about your company with a clear, distinct message. This digital marketing book starts broad, going over why customers make purchases and how to craft a brand message, then gives specific instructions on how to write effective messaging for websites and social media. It’s an indispensable place to start.

One Million Followers
We all want a massive following. While there is no shortcut to success, celebrity social media consultant Brendan Kane breaks down the best ways to connect with your audience in his digital marketing book, One Million Followers: How I Built a Massive Social Following in 30 Days. Alongside interviews with business owners and marketing experts, Kane walks the reader through how to create valuable content, gain an audience from scratch, build your following into a multi-media brand.
Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook
Chances are, with a combined 42 million followers across his channels and 350 million podcast downloads, you might have already come across Gary Vaynerchuk, also known as GaryVee. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World from the New York Times bestselling author and social media expert is a mashup of his previous books, with a focus on creating strong social media campaigns. This book is a bit older, but the information and advice is still incredibly relevant to the current social media landscape.

Social Media Marketing 2023
If you’re looking for the most-up-to-date information, you should check out Social Media Marketing 2023 by Tom Ruell. This short book is a great way to dip your toes into the wild world of TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn, once you understand basic marketing concepts. Ruell also includes a crash course on how to read analytics, so you can start to unlock the potential of social media.
Email Marketing That Doesn’t Suck
Email marketing is one of the most consistent ways to make money online. In fact, you can even set up email campaigns that will literally make money while you sleep! However, just because you have a sizable email audience doesn’t mean they’ll read your messages. That’s where Email Marketing that Doesn’t Suck by Bobby Klinck comes in. Just like the book itself, Harvard grad and ex-lawyer Klinck teaches you how to write compelling emails in an entertaining way. The book also comes with a warning that if “you’re an online marketing guru, or you have a serious problem with laughing at yourself, you probably should not read this book. If the occasional curse word makes you cringe, then you DEFINITELY should not read this book.”
The Blog Startup
Every website should have a blog; it’s a great way to position yourself as an expert in your field and will improve your website’s SEO (more on that in a second). But, a lot of us lack the discipline required to launch and, more importantly, maintain a successful blog. Meera Kothand takes the stress out of blogging with her book, The Blog Startup. In addition to simple strategies for blogging, Kothand shares her “core components” about what you need to focus on to transition from starting your blog to making money. This book is an honest look about what it takes to make a mark in the blogging world and the potential pitfalls to avoid.
SEO Workbook
Jason McDonald’s SEO Workbook: Search Engine Optimization Success in Seven Steps is an invaluable resource for all digital marketers. Even better, McDonald updates the information regularly with new editions every year. We don’t mind sharing that there are several dog-eared editions lying around the Meerkat offices! McDonald writes clearly and explains everything you’ve ever wanted to know about SEO. This digital marketing book is a rare case where both beginners and those experienced with SEO will find something to learn.
Rapid Google Ads Success
An effective use of Google Ads can be the difference between a small business and a successful one. Google is one of the most powerful platforms and can let you target specific audiences that best suit your business, the only problem is with a platform so large, it can be hard to figure out where to start. Rapid Google Ads Success by Claire Jarrett is your cheat sheet to becoming a Google Ads expert in no time. The goal of this book is to explain the Google Ads interface so you don’t need to hire a specific Google Ads specialist. Jarrett is constantly updating her book, with the current edition certified accurate as of January 2023.

Attention Factory
While it doesn’t include tips on how to go viral, Attention Factory: The Story of TikTok and China’s Bytedance by Matthew Brennan is a fascinating read about the backstory of everyone’s favorite app, TikTok. Come for the storytelling and stay for the analysis of how a scrappy team of Chinese coders built the biggest app in the world. This book is an essential read for anyone looking to learn more about the modern relationship between the American and Chinese internet experience.
Web3 Marketing
What is Web3? Not to be confused with the metaverse, Web3 is envisioned as the next step in the evolution of the internet, built around open-source and interconnected applications powered by the blockchain. Okay, that’s a lot of words that you probably aren’t sure exactly what they mean. Amanda Cassat breaks down the finer points of Web3 in her book and how to position your brand for the next generation in her book, Web3 Marketing: A Handbook for the Next Internet Revolution. Cassat digs deeper past cryptocurrency and NFTs to explain the impact Web3 will have on the world and how businesses can prepare for it.
Bonus Books: AP Stylebook and MLA Style Manual
Social media and the internet do not conform to traditional grammar rules, but it’s always a good idea to put your best foot forward. It sounds unbelievable, but we’ve seen businesses lose customers because of spelling and grammar mistakes! That’s why every writer should keep a copy of the AP Stylebook or MLA Style Manual, depending on your agency’s preference, handy. AP style is most important for PR, because all news uses AP style.
Let Us Do Your Research
If you’re looking to expand your digital marketing knowledge, Meerkat Media Group has you covered. With experience in e-commerce, hospitality, food, and more, our team is here to help you reach the audience you want in the way you want. Contact us today to take your business to the next level.